Last week we explored choosing the right plants for your garden. Today, I want to share how I turn my plant wishlist into an actionable plan that makes our gardens more successful. It all starts with what I call the Big 3 Questions (When is it going to be planted? How much to grow? Where is going to live?), let’s tackle the first one now: WHEN to plant. Just like a chef’s kitchen runs on perfect timing and temperature, your garden thrives when plants go into the ground at just the right moment. Let me share how I break this down in my own garden:
Heat-Demanding Crops (The Searing Wok) These heat-lovers need soil temperatures of at least 50°F at 4 inches deep. While Mother’s Day was traditionally our planting signal here in Westchester, our warming springs have shifted this earlier by 1-2 weeks in recent years. These include:
- Tomatoes (including our greenhouse favorites, Black Krim and Sungold)
- Melons and cucumbers ​
- Summer squash and zucchini ​
- Basil (plant near your tomatoes for a perfect pairing!)
Temperature-Flexible Plants (The Gentle Simmer) These hardy plants can handle some temperature fluctuations and even a light frost. I start these in mid-April, but here’s a pro tip: plant them again in August-September for a fantastic fall harvest. Just remember to keep them well-watered during late summer planting:
- Beans
- Kale (gets sweeter after a light frost!)
Cold-Tolerant Vegetables These vegetables actually prefer chilly weather, making them perfect for early spring and fall gardens. In our Westchester climate, I plant these when nighttime temperatures consistently stay above 25-28°F, typically around late March for spring crops:
- Lettuce
- Spinach and radishes (perfect for succession planting)
- Snap peas (the best early garden snack!)
- The Brassica family (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts)
Quick Tip: For fall planting of brassicas, timing is everything. Plant these in mid-summer and let them mature as temperatures drop – a touch of frost actually triggers them to convert starches to sugar, making them sweeter! Next week, we’ll tackle the “HOW MUCH” question so we can ensure that we aren’t buried under an avalanche of zucchini or starved by a drought of cucumbers. ​ All the best, Nick ​ P.S. Dreaming about your spring garden in this cold weather? Our organic seedling pre-orders are available now. Put in an order for access to a wider variety and than we will see in-season and that early season discount! |
Jeez! I hope you are staying warm. Let’s do some more on-paper and in-doors gardening this week! Last email when answering our 3 Big Questions we talked about the WHEN of planting. Today I want to help decide how MUCH to grow. Think of your garden like a theater production. A director wouldn’t cast 20 Hamlets - nor would they attempt to stage a chorus line with just three dancers. In your garden, you need to know whether you’re producing an intimate one-act show with just enough runner beans...
A good plan is imperative to a great garden! And now is the perfect time to do it – especially when it’s too cold to go outside and dig around. It has definitely been tea and cuddling weather lately! I start all my planning with a big long list of everything I want to include in the garden. Without years of gardening behind you, the best place to start is your own favorite recipes. You’re much more likely to enjoy gardening when you use all the veggies you’re raising! - Big salad family -...
I hope you are enjoying this slow, cool rainy day and all your trees, shrubs, and perennials are getting a well deserved drink before winter truly sets in! Every garden tool has its use? As the gardening season winds down your shovel has been faithful all season long and now its time to show it some TLC too! Clean, sharp tools not only make gardening more enjoyable but also help reduce strain on your body and allow your tools to last for years to come. Here’s your quick guide to winter tool...