​ Hello, With the end of the veggie garden in sight for most of us (our expected first frost date is around the first week of November here in the Rivertowns), it’s the perfect time to reflect and prepare for an even better garden next year! Garden notes or a garden journal will be a huge asset when it comes time to plan or make decisions about next season’s garden. Good notes
As a couple quick tips:
While it might be hard at this point to remember when exactly things were planted in the garden, capturing anything you can now will give you a big step up in the winter when it comes time to decide what to include in your garden. So stand in your garden this weekend and take some photos or write down you thoughts for the year! You don’t want to lose track of all the great things you learned this summer. I would love to hear what you have to say and if there is anything I can do to help make your garden ever better next season. Shoot me an email anytime at nick@homegrownnurseries.farm All the best, –Nick |
A good plan is imperative to a great garden! And now is the perfect time to do it – especially when it’s too cold to go outside and dig around. It has definitely been tea and cuddling weather lately! I start all my planning with a big long list of everything I want to include in the garden. Without years of gardening behind you, the best place to start is your own favorite recipes. You’re much more likely to enjoy gardening when you use all the veggies you’re raising! - Big salad family -...
I hope you are enjoying this slow, cool rainy day and all your trees, shrubs, and perennials are getting a well deserved drink before winter truly sets in! Every garden tool has its use? As the gardening season winds down your shovel has been faithful all season long and now its time to show it some TLC too! Clean, sharp tools not only make gardening more enjoyable but also help reduce strain on your body and allow your tools to last for years to come. Here’s your quick guide to winter tool...
As the weather gets cool, it’s time to brush off the trowel one more time and dig soil tests! This is the best time of year for checking on how you can bring nutritional balance to your soils as well as prime the soil micro ecology for next season’s plantings. Anything you add to the soil now will have plenty of time to enter the soil food web and be ready for your next season’s veggies to scoop right up! While we might harvest tomatoes and lettuce as gardeners what we truly cultivate first...